Berkeley Technology Leadership Program

Expand your growth potential as a strategic tech leader

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Course Dates


October 17, 2024

Course Duration


6 months, online
4–6 hours per week

Course Fee


US$7,500 US$6,675 and get US$750 off with a referral

Course Information Flexible payment available
Course Fee

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program fee

US$7,500 US$6,675

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Enrolling in this program is the first step in your journey to alumni benefits.
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Harness New Technologies and Drive Business Innovation

The tech industry has seen remarkable advancements in recent years, with artificial intelligence (AI), automation, data analytics, and other emerging technologies reshaping the way organizations operate. Against this backdrop, the role of a technology leader is also undergoing a profound transformation. According to Foundry, 85 percent of IT leaders view their positions as evolving into the roles of change makers within their organization, increasingly driving business and technology initiatives. A survey of tech leaders by Deloitte identified a renewed focus on organizations, with 62 percent believing it is a good time for their organizations to take greater risks. But how do you know which technologies will lead to breakout performance versus those that will just consume resources without a payoff?

Different aspects of AI — predictive and generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing — will be the most important technologies globally, based on research by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. As a result, the need for visionary leaders who understand the latest technological advancements and can create cohesive strategies around them is paramount. The Berkeley Technology Leadership Program is designed for participants who aspire to become strategic change agents and champion transformation in the fields of AI, digital, and fintech. It will equip them with the necessary mindset and skills to implement technologies that deliver significant impact in their organizations.

In this program, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of digital innovations, trends in digital technologies, and opportunities for digital transformation
  • Identify the strategies and processes required to lead the implementation of technology to enable change and solve problems
  • Explore the use of AI in business, assess the value of AI-driven applications, and formulate an AI strategy for your organization
  • Evaluate the current fintech ecosystem and how fintech innovations are reinventing traditional banking as well as creating new business models
  • Hone your leadership style and communication skills through live sessions and application exercises


of business and technology leaders expect generative AI to drive substantial transformation within their organizations and industry over the next three years.

Source: Deloitte


of organizations expect their productivity to increase due to generative AI.

Source: Deloitte


of executives agree that with rapid technological advancements, it is more important than ever for organizations to innovate with purpose.

Source: Accenture

Who Is This Program For?

For individuals who are in leadership roles and are looking to keep their organizations ahead of the curve through tech innovations or those who are on career tracks to take on technology leadership roles, including:

  • C-suite leaders and directors ensuring their organizations are prepared for the latest digital trends and disruptions
  • Functional heads and business leaders with a responsibility for driving tech innovation and strategy across their organizations
  • Mid- to senior-level managers and executives gearing up for tech leadership roles
  • Consultants who need to be up to speed on the latest technologies and business applications to offer superior solutions to clients


"The content was highly relevant to my role, and it has been delivered in a very accessible and consumable way. I feel like I've found a great deal of value in attending."

— Tom Beastall, executive IT director, Rullion

"The best part for me was the exposure to new technologies and how the professors explained them in detail. I'm not a finance person and probably had a lot of lagoons on some material but kept reading and doing work with excellent people."

— Angel Morales, HP Inc., Microfluidics Architect

"I had prior knowledge of data/AI, so my best learning was understanding Fintech better. I liked the program structure and appreciated the value brought by the faculty to the class."

— Deepa Hoskote, Manager Technology Strategy, Cambia Health Solutions

"The best part of the program is the community of learners. I had great conversations and found discussions with my classmates very encouraging."

— Andreas Goedecke, Chief Business Officer, Eleks GmbH

You’ll walk away with:

  • A pitch deck for digital transformation that offers a technology-based solution to a business problem you face in your organization
  • Frameworks that help with the practical application of AI-related modeling and possibilities of implementing AI-driven solutions in your organization
  • An understanding of big data and the opportunities it presents for technology and innovation acceleration
  • Techniques that advance your leadership acumen with a focus on topics that will help you gain maximum traction on your tech initiatives

Program Curriculum

This six-month technology program consists of four pillars. Through a mix of live lectures, small group exercises, case study analyses, and self-reflection, you will advance your leadership acumen.

Module 1:

Overview of Digital Transformation

In this opening module, you will get an overview of digital innovations. You will learn about the various applications of digital strategies successfully adopted by global brands and contemplate which strategies may prove to be the most effective in your organization.

Module 2:

Opportunities for Digital Transformation

In this module, you will discover how data can drive effective decision making through case studies from industries such as advertising, retail, and health care. You will see examples of techniques such as A/B testing, network analysis, and pre/post testing being employed to deliver business outcomes, and you will learn to identify opportunities for action in your own organization.

Module 3:

The Role of Data

This module will dive deeper into data by covering the three main categories of analytics: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. You will identify the opportunities and limitations of data integration and learn how concepts such as data sourcing, data architecture, and data algorithms come together to form a holistic data strategy for your organization.

Module 4:

The Process of Digital Transformation

Understand the current state of problems in your organization through the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods. Envision digitally enabled transformations to your processes, and identify the metrics for the success of such innovations.

Module 5:

Digital Business Models

Digital technologies have created more opportunities for organizing complex markets. Understand the impact of digital transformation on business models. Assess digital products against platforms and multisided markets.

Module 6:

People and the Organization

The right organizational structure can be instrumental in the success of your digital transformation efforts. Assess the organizational design choices that affect an organization's capacity for digital transformation.

Module 7:

Technology and Policy

With the rapidly increasing use of data and the accompanying concerns around privacy violations, data collection regulations have come to the forefront. Explore the ethical issues surrounding the use of personal data and how to navigate data regulations.

Module 8:

Digital Transformation Action Plan

This module will explore recent trends in digital technologies and what opportunities the future may bring. Summarize your learnings from previous modules, and start compiling the building blocks for your capstone project.

Module 9:

Artificial Intelligence and Business

In this module, you will explore the various applications of AI in business and the opportunities being created by advances in AI. Understand what AI is capable of, and identify possibilities of implementing AI-driven solutions in your business.

Module 10:

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Grasp the fundamentals of neural networks and deep learning along with their common applications. Evaluate business considerations for implementing these technologies, such as data acquisition, training objectives, and performance assessment. Additionally, explore advanced techniques such as generative AI for creating new data and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for powerful analysis.

Module 11:

Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing

AI has enabled the automation of complex tasks through applications such as autonomous driving and chatbots. Delve into two cutting-edge fields that let machines "see" the world as we do and understand our language, including the challenges and possibilities these technologies present. Discover recent advancements in creating realistic images and text (GANs) and mastering sequential data such as speech (RNNs).

Module 12:

Robotics and Reinforcement Learning

Understand the nuances of reinforcement learning and the practical considerations for it to succeed. Explore the applications of robotics, and evaluate the reliability required for robots to create value.

Module 13:

AI Strategy

Formulate a strategy for the implementation of AI in your organization. Learn from failed AI implementations, and assess the value of AI-driven applications by using the 4Cs Framework.

Module 14:

Leading an AI-driven Transformation in Your Organization

People and organizations play important roles in the implementation of your AI strategy. In this module, you will uncover how to empower your organization to undergo this transformation through a case study.

Module 15:

The Future of AI in Business

Acknowledge the moral and ethical concerns associated with the use of intelligent machines and algorithmic decision making. Explore what the future of AI may look like, including human–machine touchpoints and augmented intelligence, and reflect on how AI plays a role in your digital transformation.

Module 16:

The Fintech Revolution

Understand how the evolution of technological innovations led to the creation of immense opportunities in fintech. Explore the fintech landscape and the factors driving its growth.

Module 17:

The Fintech Ecosystem

Identify the disruptive products that transformed the banking and financial sectors. Articulate the major trends in fintech and the new opportunities to explore those trends.

Module 18:

The Economic Foundations of Fintech

Explore valuation theory ledger, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies, and understand their applications in financial products and services. Look at network effects to understand how they affect factors such as competition, profitability, and pricing, and propose strategies to generate network effects in fintech.

Module 19:

Fintech Idea to Execution

Drive a fintech idea to execution by applying the Business Model Canvas. This module will cover all of the steps, including valuation, raising capital, and implementation planning.

Module 20:


In this final module, you will create a pitch deck for a digital transformation that offers a solution to a problem you have identified at your organization. As part of this proposal, you will also address the change management piece and how you would ensure a successful rollout.

Module 1:

Overview of Digital Transformation

In this opening module, you will get an overview of digital innovations. You will learn about the various applications of digital strategies successfully adopted by global brands and contemplate which strategies may prove to be the most effective in your organization.

Module 11:

Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing

AI has enabled the automation of complex tasks through applications such as autonomous driving and chatbots. Delve into two cutting-edge fields that let machines "see" the world as we do and understand our language, including the challenges and possibilities these technologies present. Discover recent advancements in creating realistic images and text (GANs) and mastering sequential data such as speech (RNNs).

Module 2:

Opportunities for Digital Transformation

In this module, you will discover how data can drive effective decision making through case studies from industries such as advertising, retail, and health care. You will see examples of techniques such as A/B testing, network analysis, and pre/post testing being employed to deliver business outcomes, and you will learn to identify opportunities for action in your own organization.

Module 12:

Robotics and Reinforcement Learning

Understand the nuances of reinforcement learning and the practical considerations for it to succeed. Explore the applications of robotics, and evaluate the reliability required for robots to create value.

Module 3:

The Role of Data

This module will dive deeper into data by covering the three main categories of analytics: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. You will identify the opportunities and limitations of data integration and learn how concepts such as data sourcing, data architecture, and data algorithms come together to form a holistic data strategy for your organization.

Module 13:

AI Strategy

Formulate a strategy for the implementation of AI in your organization. Learn from failed AI implementations, and assess the value of AI-driven applications by using the 4Cs Framework.

Module 4:

The Process of Digital Transformation

Understand the current state of problems in your organization through the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods. Envision digitally enabled transformations to your processes, and identify the metrics for the success of such innovations.

Module 14:

Leading an AI-driven Transformation in Your Organization

People and organizations play important roles in the implementation of your AI strategy. In this module, you will uncover how to empower your organization to undergo this transformation through a case study.

Module 5:

Digital Business Models

Digital technologies have created more opportunities for organizing complex markets. Understand the impact of digital transformation on business models. Assess digital products against platforms and multisided markets.

Module 15:

The Future of AI in Business

Acknowledge the moral and ethical concerns associated with the use of intelligent machines and algorithmic decision making. Explore what the future of AI may look like, including human–machine touchpoints and augmented intelligence, and reflect on how AI plays a role in your digital transformation.

Module 6:

People and the Organization

The right organizational structure can be instrumental in the success of your digital transformation efforts. Assess the organizational design choices that affect an organization's capacity for digital transformation.

Module 16:

The Fintech Revolution

Understand how the evolution of technological innovations led to the creation of immense opportunities in fintech. Explore the fintech landscape and the factors driving its growth.

Module 7:

Technology and Policy

With the rapidly increasing use of data and the accompanying concerns around privacy violations, data collection regulations have come to the forefront. Explore the ethical issues surrounding the use of personal data and how to navigate data regulations.

Module 17:

The Fintech Ecosystem

Identify the disruptive products that transformed the banking and financial sectors. Articulate the major trends in fintech and the new opportunities to explore those trends.

Module 8:

Digital Transformation Action Plan

This module will explore recent trends in digital technologies and what opportunities the future may bring. Summarize your learnings from previous modules, and start compiling the building blocks for your capstone project.

Module 18:

The Economic Foundations of Fintech

Explore valuation theory ledger, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies, and understand their applications in financial products and services. Look at network effects to understand how they affect factors such as competition, profitability, and pricing, and propose strategies to generate network effects in fintech.

Module 9:

Artificial Intelligence and Business

In this module, you will explore the various applications of AI in business and the opportunities being created by advances in AI. Understand what AI is capable of, and identify possibilities of implementing AI-driven solutions in your business.

Module 19:

Fintech Idea to Execution

Drive a fintech idea to execution by applying the Business Model Canvas. This module will cover all of the steps, including valuation, raising capital, and implementation planning.

Module 10:

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Grasp the fundamentals of neural networks and deep learning along with their common applications. Evaluate business considerations for implementing these technologies, such as data acquisition, training objectives, and performance assessment. Additionally, explore advanced techniques such as generative AI for creating new data and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for powerful analysis.

Module 20:


In this final module, you will create a pitch deck for a digital transformation that offers a solution to a problem you have identified at your organization. As part of this proposal, you will also address the change management piece and how you would ensure a successful rollout.

This program may include optional reading material that requires a paid subscription.

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Program Highlights

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Live Sessions with Berkeley Faculty

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Capstone Project: Innovation Project for Your Organization or Venture

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Industry Guest Speakers

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Case Studies

Real-World Applications

Diverse Faculty Bring a Cross-Disciplinary Approach

Organization Examples

Explore challenges and opportunities in the technology sector through a diverse mix of industry examples.

Logo of Panera Bread
Logo of Expedia
Logo of Rocket Fuel

Note: All product and organization names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The study of these products and/or organizations does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.


Faculty Member Pieter Abbeel

Pieter Abbeel

Professor, UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS)

Pieter Abbeel is a professor at UC Berkeley’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department, Director of the Berkeley Robot Learning Lab, and Co-Director of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) Lab. He works in machine learning and robotics. In particular, his research focuses on making robots learn from... More info

Faculty Member Zsolt Katona

Zsolt Katona

Professor of Marketing

Zsolt Katona is a Professor of Marketing at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. He is an expert in online marketing strategy and social media. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the Eotvos University in his native Hungary and a Ph.D. in marketing from INSEAD, France... More info

Faculty Member Yaniv Konchitchki

Yaniv Konchitchki

Tenured Associate Professor; Distinguished Teaching Fellow; Faculty Director, UC Berkeley Executive Education's Financial Technology (Fintech) Program; Faculty Director, Center for Financial Reporting & Management, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

Yaniv Konchitchki is an Associate Professor and Faculty Director at the Center for Financial Reporting and Management at the Haas School of Business. He is an expert in the linkages between capital markets, finance, macroeconomy, financial & information systems technology, and financial reporting... More info

Faculty Member Thomas Lee

Thomas Lee

Associate Adjunct Professor, Research Scientist

Thomas Lee is an Associate Adjunct Professor and Research Scientist in the Haas Operations and Information Technology Management Group at the Haas School of Business. He teaches and conducts research on information and communication technologies to support innovation and new product development... More info

Faculty Member Christine Parlour

Christine Parlour

Professor of Finance, Sylvan C. Coleman Chair of Finance and Accounting, Distinguished Teaching Fellow, UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business

An expert in institutionally complex areas, such as market microstructure and banking, Prof. Parlour researches fintech, digital payments, credit markets, and finance and has served on the Nasdaq Economic Advisory Board and on the steering committee for the New Special Studies of Securities Markets... More info

Faculty Member Sameer B. Srivastava

Sameer B. Srivastava

Professor and Harold Furst Chair in Management Philosophy and Values, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

Sameer B. Srivastava is Associate Professor and Harold Furst Chair in Management Philosophy and Values at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business and is also affiliated with UC Berkeley Sociology. His research unpacks the complex interrelationships among the culture of social groups, the cognition of individuals... More info

Faculty Member Matthew Stepka

Matthew Stepka

Visiting Scholar/Executive in Residence UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

Matthew Stepka is a Visiting Scholar and Executive in Residence at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. In addition, he is managing partner at Machina Ventures, an investment firm focused on early stage, artificial intelligence and data science enabled companies. Previously, he served as vice president... More info

Guest Speakers

Faculty Member Stephanie Pitts

Stephanie Pitts

Group Product Manager, Financial Data Systems at Marqeta

Stephanie has a background in management information systems, operations management, and marketing. She started her career at Deloitte Consulting in the technology practice where she developed large custom software systems. She has worked in product marketing at Microsoft, IT strategy at Deloitte, and various roles encompassing revenue, operations, and product management at Marqeta—a fintech company whose innovative payment platform enables customers to issue payments with complex controls managed in real time. In her current role, Stephanie helps create the road map to meet the needs of customers and drive toward future success.

Barak Ben-Ezer

Founder, SFB Technologies, former CEO and co-founder of Neema

Barak Ben-Ezer is a serial entrepreneur and expert in fintech and blockchain from Israel. He has founded (and co-founded) several startups and advised other companies in areas of strategy, technology, business development, capital raising, go-to market strategy, and marketing. Neema, a financial solution for unbanked and underbanked people to send money at a fraction of the cost of Western Union, was a top 7 startup from Y Combinator’s 2017 winter cohort and subsequently sold to a large insurance company. Barak is now working on a new venture to issue the world’s first sovereign cryptocurrency as a country’s official tender.

Mark Gorenflo

Chief of Staff and Director for Innovation and Economic Development, North Dakota University System (NDUS)

Mark joined NDUS in the fall of 2023 to help strengthen the nexus between higher education and workplace and economic innovation. Prior to that, he was executive director of the Evening & Weekend MBA Program at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. During his tenure at Haas, Mark oversaw development of a new online cohort with a brand-new portfolio of online courses. In addition to his leadership positions in higher education, Mark completed 35 years of federal service, both as a front-line submarine officer rising to ship command, and as a senior civilian executive, most recently serving as Director of Operations at the Defense Innovation Unit in Silicon Valley.

Path to Alumni Benefits

Enrolling in the Berkeley Technology Leadership Program can become your first step toward pursuing the Berkeley Executive Education Certificate of Business Excellence (COBE). The Certificate of Business Excellence gives individuals the opportunity to acquire and hone new skills and to do so on a timeline that works with their busy schedules. Participants will earn a mark of distinction with certification from a world-class university, and enjoy the flexibility of completing the program in up to three years.
Learn more about the program and associated alumni benefits here.

Networking and events

  • Join local alumni chapters or clubs in your region.
  • Participate in the annual Berkeley Haas Alumni Conference.
  • Attend select Berkeley Haas and Berkeley Executive Education Networking events open to the COBE community.

Exclusive Berkeley Resources

  • Activate an email forwarding address
  • 15% discount on the list price of future eligible Berkeley Executive Education programs.
  • 30% discount on the list price of future eligible programs after completion of your Certificate of Business Excellence.
  • Gain public visitor access to select campus libraries and university database services.

News and communication

  • A one year complimentary digital subscription to California Management Review
  • Berkeley Haas Alumni newsletter
  • Berkeley Haas Alumni Jobs e-Newsletter featuring job postings from distinguished employers
  • Haas Insights offering the latest research and thought leadership from industry speakers and faculty

Note: all benefits subject to change.



Get recognized! Upon successful completion of the program, UC Berkeley Executive Education grants a verified digital certificate of completion to participants. Participants must complete 80 percent of the required activities, including a capstone project (if any) to obtain the certificate of completion. This program also counts toward a Certificate of Business Excellence.

Successful completion of this program fulfills two curriculum days (minimum requirement of 17 curriculum days) toward the Berkeley Certificate of Business Excellence (COBE).
Learn more about how it works here.

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Note: This program results in a digital certificate of completion and is not eligible for degree credit/CEUs. After successful completion of the program, your verified digital certificate will be emailed to you in the name you used when registering for the program. All certificate images are for illustrative purposes only and may be subject to change at the discretion of Berkeley Executive Education.

Example image of UC Berkeley Certificate of Business Excellence
This program counts toward a Certificate of Business Excellence.

Curriculum Days: Four days

Pillar(s): Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Strategy & Management

A UC Berkeley Certificate of Business Excellence gives individuals the opportunity to create a personal plan of study structured by our four academic pillars. Participants will earn a mark of distinction with certification from a world-class university and enjoy the flexibility of completing the program in up to three years.

Learn more


  • How do I know if this program is right for me?

    After reviewing the information on the program landing page, we recommend you submit the short form above to gain access to the program brochure, which includes more in-depth information. If you still have questions on whether this program is a good fit for you, please email, and a dedicated program advisor will follow-up with you very shortly.

    Are there any prerequisites for this program?

    Some programs do have prerequisites, particularly the more technical ones. This information will be noted on the program landing page, as well as in the program brochure. If you are uncertain about program prerequisites and your capabilities, please email us at the ID mentioned above.

    Note that, unless otherwise stated on the program web page, all programs are taught in English and proficiency in English is required.

    What is the typical class profile?

    More than 50 percent of our participants are from outside the United States. Class profiles vary from one cohort to the next, but, generally, our online certificates draw a highly diverse audience in terms of professional experience, industry, and geography — leading to a very rich peer learning and networking experience.

    What other dates will this program be offered in the future?

    Check back to this program web page or email us to inquire if future program dates or the timeline for future offerings have been confirmed yet.

  • How much time is required each week?

    Each program includes an estimated learner effort per week. This is referenced at the top of the program landing page under the Duration section, as well as in the program brochure, which you can obtain by submitting the short form at the top of this web page.

    How will my time be spent?

    We have designed this program to fit into your current working life as efficiently as possible. Time will be spent among a variety of activities including:

    • Engaging with recorded video lectures from faculty
    • Attending webinars and office hours, as per the specific program schedule
    • Reading or engaging with examples of core topics
    • Completing knowledge checks/quizzes and required activities
    • Engaging in moderated discussion groups with your peers
    • Completing your final project, if required

    The program is designed to be highly interactive while also allowing time for self-reflection and to demonstrate an understanding of the core topics through various active learning exercises. Please email us if you need further clarification on program activities.

    What is it like to learn online with the learning collaborator, Emeritus?

    More than 300,000 learners across 200 countries have chosen to advance their skills with Emeritus and its educational learning partners. In fact, 90 percent of the respondents of a recent survey across all our programs said that their learning outcomes were met or exceeded.

    All the contents of the course would be made available to students at the commencement of the course. However, to ensure the program delivers the desired learning outcomes the students may appoint Emeritus to manage the delivery of the program in a cohort-based manner the cost of which is already included in the overall course fee of the course.

    A dedicated program support team is available 24/5 (Monday to Friday) to answer questions about the learning platform, technical issues, or anything else that may affect your learning experience.

    How do I interact with other program participants?

    Peer learning adds substantially to the overall learning experience and is an important part of the program. You can connect and communicate with other participants through our learning platform.

  • What are the requirements to earn the certificate?

    Each program includes an estimated learner effort per week, so you can gauge what will be required before you enroll. This is referenced at the top of the program landing page under the Duration section, as well as in the program brochure, which you can obtain by submitting the short form at the top of this web page. All programs are designed to fit into your working life.

    This program is scored as a pass or no-pass; participants must complete the required activities to pass and obtain the certificate of completion. Some programs include a final project submission or other assignments to obtain passing status. This information will be noted in the program brochure. Please email us if you need further clarification on any specific program requirements.

    What type of certificate will I receive?

    Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a smart digital certificate. The smart digital certificate can be shared with friends, family, schools, or potential employers. You can use it on your cover letter, resume, and/or display it on your LinkedIn profile.
    The digital certificate will be sent approximately two weeks after the program, once grading is complete.

    Can I get the hard copy of the certificate?

    No, only verified digital certificates will be issued upon successful completion. This allows you to share your credentials on social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

    What is the organizational structure of Berkeley Executive Education?

    UC Berkeley Center for Executive Education, dba Berkeley Executive Education, is a California nonprofit organization formed for the purpose of operating executive education programs in support of UC Berkeley and the Haas School of Business.

    Do I receive alumni status after completing this program?

    No, there is no alumni status granted for this program. In some cases, there are credits that count toward a higher level of certification. This information will be clearly noted in the program brochure.

    How long will I have access to the learning materials?

    You will have access to the online learning platform and all the videos and program materials for 12 months following the program start date. Access to the learning platform is restricted to registered participants per the terms of agreement.

  • What equipment or technical requirements are there for this program?

    Participants will need the latest version of their preferred browser to access the learning platform. In addition, Microsoft Office and a PDF viewer are required to access documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files, and transcripts.

    Do I need to be online to access the program content?

    Yes, the learning platform is accessed via the internet, and video content is not available for download. However, you can download files of video transcripts, assignment templates, readings, etc. For maximum flexibility, you can access program content from a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

    Video lectures must be streamed via the internet, and any livestream webinars and office hours will require an internet connection. However, these sessions are always recorded, so you may view them later.

  • Can I still register if the registration deadline has passed?

    Yes, you can register up until seven days past the published start date of the program without missing any of the core program material or learnings.

    What is the program fee, and what forms of payment do you accept?

    The program fee is noted at the top of this program web page and usually referenced in the program brochure as well.

    • Flexible payment options are available (see details below as well as at the top of this program web page next to FEE).
    • Tuition assistance is available for participants who qualify. Please email

    What if I don’t have a credit card? Is there another method of payment accepted?

    Yes, you can do the bank remittance in the program currency via wire transfer or debit card. Please contact your program advisor, or email us for details.

    I was not able to use the discount code provided. Can you help?

    Yes! Please email us with the details of the program you are interested in, and we will assist you.

    How can I obtain an invoice for payment?

    Please email us your invoicing requirements and the specific program you’re interested in enrolling in.

    Is there an option to make flexible payments for this program?

    Yes, the flexible payment option allows a participant to pay the program fee in installments. This option is made available on the payment page and should be selected before submitting the payment.

    How can I obtain a W9 form?

    Please connect with us via email for assistance.

    Who will be collecting the payment for the program?

    Emeritus collects all program payments, provides learner enrollment and program support, and manages learning platform services.

    Are there any restrictions on the types of funding that can be used to pay for the program?

    Program fees for Emeritus programs with UC Berkeley Executive Education may not be paid for with (a) funds from the GI Bill, the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Act of 2008, or similar types of military education funding benefits or (b) Title IV financial aid funds.

  • What is the program refund and deferral policy?

    For the program refund and deferral policy, please click the link here.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Write to us at or Schedule a call with one of our Program Advisors or call us at +1 864 668 8832 (US) / +44 121 387 3504 (UK) / +65 3129 7057 (SG)

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Early registrations are encouraged. Seats fill up quickly!

Flexible payment options available. Learn more.